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Welcome to SWCOLT-AZLA 2025 at Gila River Resort & Casino - Wild Horse Pass. 
  • Be sure to check our website for complete conference information: SWCOLT 2025.
  • Need answers ASAP? Reach out to our event planning team at jraught@swcolt.org for info and more.

Saturday January 25, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm MST
This session will focus on incorporating mindfulness practices into language instruction to enhance proficiency and support student growth and resilience. The ACTFL proficiency levels that target both a student's current "floor level" where they can easily succeed and their "ceiling level" in which they have systematic breakdown provides an ideal platform to introduce mindfulness practices such as self-reflection to develop resilience. We will explore how to incorporate mindfulness techniques such as breath work, meditation, gentle movement and body scans that can lower the affective filter while being centered in proficiency-based lesson planning. Throughout the session, we will provide hands-on demonstrations on how to create an atmosphere conducive to language acquisition.
avatar for Troy Cox

Troy Cox

Associate Professor, Brigham Young University
You can download my presentation from the following link:https://cycling-yogi-1.notion.site/UFLA-Integrating-Mindfulness-With-Proficiency-In-the-Language-Classroom-442b00aacb9048ce9abd9ef8ec7a40c0?pvs=4
Saturday January 25, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm MST

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